Subject: Re: i386/m68k binary conversion
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/23/1996 01:18:00
Michael VanLoon writes:
>Yet, DEC seems to have done it quite successfully, with their MIPS ->
>Alpha converter, and their new x86 -> Alpha converter (for NT). In my
>experience, the MIPS/DECstation -> Alpha converter worked very well
>(never used the other one). How is that they were able to be so
>successful with binary conversion?
Machine code generated by compiles tends to be very schematic in my
experience. Translating machine code generated by humans is the hard
Christoph Badura
You don't need to quote my .signature. Everyone has seen it by now.
Besides, it doesn't add anything to the current thread.