Subject: Big oops in src/usr.sbin/config
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gordon W. Ross <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/12/1996 12:48:20
I checked in some changes that caused config to barf on the file
src/sys/dev/isa/files.isa due to my misunderstanding how newline
continuation was supposed to work. So sorry...
I've since fixed it. Here is the fix:
cd src/usr.sbin/config
diff -c scan.l.orig scan.l
*** scan.l.orig Mon Nov 11 18:52:28 1996
--- scan.l Tue Nov 12 12:40:55 1996
*** 1,5 ****
! /* $NetBSD: scan.l,v 1.9 1996/11/11 23:54:18 gwr Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
--- 1,5 ----
! /* $NetBSD: scan.l,v 1.10 1996/11/12 17:42:47 gwr Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
*** 129,134 ****
--- 129,142 ----
[1-9][0-9]* {
yylval.val = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10);
return NUMBER;
+ }
+ \n/[ \t] {
+ /*
+ * Note: newline followed by whitespace is always a
+ * continuation of the previous line, so do NOT
+ * return a token in this case.
+ */
+ yyline++;
\n {