Subject: Re: other backup technologies?
To: Rob Deker <>
From: Christian Kuhtz <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/06/1997 12:49:00
I didn't say Legato is lightning fast. They do have speed problems, and I
concur with pointing fingers at their indexing solution. Like you, I have
discussed this with Legator tech's many many times, and they are not terribly
receptive to it.
Nonetheless, it should not be as slow as you had indicated either. ;-)
Last time I encountered a setup like yours, it worked much better moving the
whole DLT shebang off to a dedicated backup server, possibly hanging off of a
dedicated service net. Backup is such a high bandwidth consuming operation
that in most cases dedicated infrastructure is the only way to really cure it
over a somewhat significant period of time.
But, try to explain that to your average IS mgmt with only $$$ of the
equipment cost in front of their eyes, neglecting all other cost factors...
Unless Auspex provides better hooks in the right places, IMHO it is not
neccessarily a good idea to hang a backup server off of an Auspex.