Subject: Re: Compile problems...
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG,>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/08/1997 03:37:06
>Also, when my kernel tries to build in libkern, it keeps failing because it
>tries to run commands like
>-I/usr/src/sys/lib/libkern/arch/ -c /usr/src/sys/lib/libkern/xordi3.c -o xordi3.o.o
>(Note the absence of cc, and the .o.o on the end.)
>I've installed make; I'm currently rebuilding gnu/*.
Oops. I'd installed share/mk, and *built* make; installing the new one
fixed this. Luckily, "make install" still worked.