Subject: IP-masquerading for NetBSD?
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Boven <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/06/1997 09:38:34
Hello everyone.
Is there any form of ip-masquerading available for NetBSD? And if so,
where does one find documentation on how to set this up? I've been looking
all over the web for a "generic" IP-masquerading, but searching for ip
masquerading -linux only turns up a few nice poems, a painting, and ip-
masquerading for OS/2...
Regards, Paul Boven.
Paul Boven, <> PE1NUT QRV 145.575 JO32KF
Lynx users have a "Right to follow a link", too!