Subject: Re: DEC uses NetBSD
To: Rob Deker <>
From: Kevin P. Neal <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/20/1997 21:11:54
At 03:30 AM 3/20/97 -0500, Rob Deker wrote:
>On Thu, 20 Mar 1997, Kevin P. Neal wrote:
>> Hasn't this been discussed before?
>> I think the issues were:
>I don't think that anybody disagrees with you that there are lots of issues
>at hand in getting this to work. But I think that the point of the matter
>remains that it's not a bad idea. I don't think that many of the NetBSD folk
>would shy away from a bit of work (hell, that's obvious simply because we
>DON'T have somethign like this a sort of roundabout way...). In
>any event, are there any folks that would be willing to take some of this
>off-list and discuss it a bit and see if we could iron some of this stuff out?
Oh I agree, it would be a wonderful thing to have. I just figured that if
we're going to rehash what has been said before, I might as well give a
concise summary and save us the trouble.
How about a new mailing list for this, perhaps or
XCOMM Kevin P. Neal, Junior, Comp. Sci. - House of Retrocomputing
XCOMM " *** StarDOS makes great coffee! ***"
XCOMM From a mid-80's advertisement in "Compute's GAZETTE", a C64/C128 mag