Subject: daily CVS update output
To: None <,,,>
From: Charlie Root <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/29/1997 05:06:42
Updating src and othersrc trees:
U src/libexec/ftpd/ftpd.c
U src/sbin/ipf/Makefile
U src/sbin/ipf/ipf.c
U src/sbin/ipf/parse.c
U src/share/mk/Makefile
U src/share/mk/bsd.README
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/share/mk/
U src/sys/arch/i386/isa/pcvt/Util/
U src/sys/arch/mac68k/dev/if_sn_obio.c
U src/sys/dev/eisa/ahb.c
U src/sys/dev/eisa/bha_eisa.c
U src/sys/dev/eisa/uha_eisa.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/aha.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/ahavar.h
U src/sys/dev/ic/bha.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/bhavar.h
U src/sys/dev/ic/uha.c
U src/sys/dev/ic/uhavar.h
U src/sys/dev/isa/aha_isa.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/bha_isa.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/sbdsp.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/uha_isa.c
U src/sys/dev/isa/wds.c
U src/sys/dev/pci/bha_pci.c
U src/sys/dev/pci/isp_pci.c
U src/sys/dev/tc/asc.c
U src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/Makefile
U src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/ipl.h
U src/sys/lkm/netinet/if_ipl/mln_ipl.c
U src/sys/netinet/fil.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_compat.h
U src/sys/netinet/ip_fil.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_fil.h
U src/sys/netinet/ip_frag.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_frag.h
U src/sys/netinet/ip_nat.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_nat.h
U src/sys/netinet/ip_state.c
U src/sys/netinet/ip_state.h
U src/usr.bin/make/compat.c
U src/usr.bin/make/make.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipfstat/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipfstat/fils.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipfstat/kmem.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipfstat/kmem.h
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ip_frag.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ip_nat.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ip_state.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_ef.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_hx.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_pc.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_sn.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_td.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipft_tx.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipt.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/ipt.h
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/misc.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/opt.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/snoop.h
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/.cvsignore
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/dotest
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/hextest
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/itest
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/test.sed
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/1
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/10
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/11
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/12
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/2
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/3
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/4
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/5
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/6
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/7
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/9
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/expected.sed
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i1
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i10
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i11
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i2
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i3
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i4
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i5
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i6
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i7
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/expected/i9
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/1
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/10
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/11
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/12
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/13
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/2
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/3
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/4
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/5
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/6
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/7
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/9
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/input/input.sed
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/1
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/10
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/11
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/12
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/13
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/2
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/3
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/4
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/5
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/6
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/7
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/9
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i1
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i10
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i11
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i2
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i3
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i4
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i5
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i6
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i7
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/i9
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/test/regress/regress.sed
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipmon/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipmon/ipmon.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipnat/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipnat/ipnat.8
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipnat/ipnat.c
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipresend/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/ipsend/Makefile
U src/usr.sbin/ipf/iptest/Makefile
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipfstat/Makefile is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipfstat/fils.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipfstat/ipfstat.8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipfstat/kmem.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipfstat/kmem.h is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/Makefile is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ip_frag.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ip_nat.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ip_state.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_ef.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_hx.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_pc.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_sn.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_td.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipft_tx.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipt.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/ipt.h is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/misc.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/opt.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/snoop.h is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/Makefile is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/dotest is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/hextest is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/itest is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/test.sed is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/1 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/10 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/11 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/12 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/2 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/3 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/6 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/7 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/9 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/expected.sed is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i1 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i10 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i11 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i2 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i3 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i6 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i7 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/expected/i9 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/1 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/10 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/11 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/12 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/13 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/2 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/3 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/6 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/7 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/9 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/input/input.sed is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/1 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/10 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/11 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/12 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/13 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/2 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/3 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/6 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/7 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/9 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i1 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i10 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i11 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i2 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i3 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i6 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i7 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/i9 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipftest/test/regress/regress.sed is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipmon/Makefile is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipmon/ipmon.8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipmon/ipmon.c is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipnat/Makefile is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipnat/ipnat.4 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipnat/ipnat.5 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipnat/ipnat.8 is no longer in the repository
cvs server: src/usr.sbin/ipnat/ipnat.c is no longer in the repository
Killing core files:
Updating tar files:
src/gnu: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/bin: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/etc: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/usr.sbin: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/distrib: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/domestic: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/games: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/usr.bin: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/lib: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/libexec: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/regress: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/sbin: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/share: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/sys: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
src/include: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
othersrc/cvs: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
othersrc/sup: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
config: tarring... gzipping... replacing... done
Updating the SUP server configuration files:
===> current
===> current/list
===> mirror
Running the SUP scanner:
SUP Scan for current starting at Sat Mar 29 04:56:06 1997
SUP Scan for current completed at Sat Mar 29 04:58:35 1997
SUP Scan for mirror starting at Sat Mar 29 04:58:36 1997
SUP Scan for mirror completed at Sat Mar 29 05:04:15 1997
Updating file list:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root wheel 295557 Mar 29 05:06 ls-lRA.gz