Subject: Re: CVS Tree
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Assar Westerlund <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/29/1997 19:49:58
Curt Sampson <> writes:
> > 1. sup/ftp/whatever the current source (for later cvs importing it)
> > 2. anon-cvs
> > 3. cvsupd
> I entirely agree, with the provisio that once you've got cvsup,
> you don't really need regular sup. I was under the impression that

Right.  I see no reason to use sup once you have cvsup.

> you were arguing that it was somehow practical to maintain local
> changes in a copy of the master source repository, rather than
> importing into a private repository.

Well, yes, if you're having a local repository with none or few
changes it seems to me easier to maintain these in a cvsup'ed copy of
the master repository, that is if you're willing to accept the risk of
collisions in revisions and tags.  If we agree on running cvsupd
anyway, there's seems to be no cost of supporting this option for
those willing to use it.

And I see some value of conserving the original history information
(`so what has changed between here and there', `let me diff this
version with current from whenever').
