Subject: Re: strptime() missing?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Ben Tober <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/30/1997 22:31:20
> Trying to build mSQL v2b5, I noticed that we don't have strptime() (which
> is required by mSQL). Any solutions (other than reading the stunos man
> page and writing strptime() from scratch)?
I noticed this too (also when trying to build mSQL). I haven't actually made
the effort to fix it yet, but I did not from reading the code that mSQL only
ever calls strptime() with one particular format string. It's probably easier
to modify mSQL so it doesn't need strptime() than to go and write strptime(),
although, having strptime() for the sake of orthogonality with strftime() is
probably a good general idea. Nevertheless, a lot of systems don't have
strptime() (NetBSD doesn't, FreeBSD doesn't, other heavily BSDish Unixes
(Ultrix?) probably don't) and making mSQL generally able to build without a
system-supplied strptime() would also be a worthy goal.