Subject: Re: -current kernel hasn't been compiling
To: None <gtimuss@sirius.UVic.CA>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/10/1997 11:55:33
> P.S. this is the third time I've sent this to the list, and nothing has
> ever got back to me (including my message, apologies if somehow you've
> already seen this).
I don't think I've seen this before...
> > cc1: warnings being treated as errors
> > machine/intr.h:78: warning: `splraise' defined but not used
These will go away if you compile without the -Werror or if you compile
with optimization. At least, that's the case on the m68k. Compiling
without optimization also causes gcc to abort on the 68k... :-(
Allen Briggs - end killing -