Subject: Re: -current kernel hasn't been compiling
To: None <>
From: Gary Timuss <gtimuss@sirius.UVic.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 04/13/1997 17:52:11
> From Thu Apr 10 09:07:02 1997
> Subject: Re: -current kernel hasn't been compiling
> [ a bunch of other warnings deleted ]
> Oh yeah, I've gotten that before, but forgot about it... I was trying to
> compile a kernel with -g and without -O2. Apparently, compiling without
> optimizations makes it break, but I don't know why.

Yup, that was the story; compiling kernel without optomizations generates
warnings (which dump core if you let them stand); with O2, works like a

I take it this is a gcc bug.


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