Subject: Re: Xian Spam...
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: root <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/25/1997 23:58:09
This is the 3rd time I have been spammed with this type of mail on a *BSD
kernel mailing list. Generally, I am good about killfiling spam, but I
find this of a most offensive nature - actively finding large mailing
lists to spam with any type of drivel, taking the time to reconfirm with
majordomo, to troll it with such a wonderful message of love of ones said
religion. I have yet to find someone sending me unsolicited email about
Hinduism, Buddism, or even the bloody moonies. To paraphrase Ivan Stang:
'Why am I more afraid and have more hatred for the christian religion than
the Heaven's Gate cult? Because the Heaven's Gate cult didnt intentionally
seek out to infect my kids mind'. (I pray the sinner recieves this Email
before he is deleted, so he might find Bob).
- Rev. Neptho