Subject: Re: Searching for closed PR's in NetBSD PR database?
To: Rafal Boni <>
From: Chris G. Demetriou <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/29/1997 11:19:30
> Folks:
> Is it possible to search for PR's that have been closed in
> the GNATS database?? I was looking for the PR relating to
> mrg's (I think?) latest fixes to ftpd (bin/2401 in part.).
> The web-based PR query refuses to give me bin/2401, and doing
> a search for "PASV" or "ftpd" doesn't seem to turn it up either.
For some reason, that PR had been marked 'confidential' and therefore
wasn't being exported to the FTP server. It looks like that was cause
by some screw up, either in PR submission or in later handling of the
PR (either by the automated filing process or by later handling).
Querying the PR database myself (using query-pr on the machine which
handles the PR database), I find that 196 PRs are currently marked
'confidential.' Some of these are appropriate (a lot are 'unsubscribe
requests or other stupidity! 8-), but a lot are not.
Again, I don't know why this is happening, but it's unacceptable (to
me, and hopefully to other users) and should be corrected.