Subject: reports from GNATS on
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik E. Fair <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/05/1997 01:37:15
It would be nice to have a series of weekly (daily?) reports automatically
generated by GNATS up on
a summary page with total problem reports open, sorted by priority & category.
a page of all open problem reports per category, sorted by priority.
I find the PR search facility a bit frustrating to use, and if these pages
were automatically generated by GNATS, with the links to the actual PR's,
I'd probably be able to find things faster. We'd also have a bit better
idea of what problems have been reported and are waiting for someone to
provide a fix.
I would be happy to write the scripts to produce this, given access to
Erik Fair <>