Subject: Re: kern/4099: Gather coredumps in one place
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Heiko W.Rupp <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/08/1997 16:14:56
Christoph Badura wrote:
|Obviously, the code in the PR was only a proof of concept. For one, it
|would have to be a config option.
Yepp. It was to show my intention.
|dumps core multiple times. You get only the last core dump for each
|working directory.
In the patch, every dump got its pid attached.
|Come to think of it, it would be really nice, if I could specify the
|location and filename format for the core dumps in the environment,
|so that it gets inherited by the child processes.
But then, you won't eliminate the find and make automatic removal even
|Something like
| setenv COREDUMPNAME /whereever/%n.%t.%p.core
Ah, I c. *.core would be ok.
|Where %n == program name, %p == pid and %t current time.
|The default, if COREDUMPNAME wasn't set, would be "./%n.core".
|And the default should probably be settable via sysctl.
I don't really like that, but why not. Setting the directory via
sysctl is in every case superior to defining it at compile time.
You will at least have some unique pattern in the name (that the
kernel should probably add) to make automatic removal possible. Users
tend to waste much disk space by not removing core dumps.
Heiko W.Rupp Gerwigstr.5 D-76131 Karlsruhe +49 721 9661524
... den 80 Mark Fuerst auf den Schaedel und dann in die Eier hau'n, dann
fuehlt der Typ sich wie ein Maedel.