Subject: Re: CVS question
To: enami tsugutomo <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/29/1997 16:12:26
On 30 Sep 1997, enami tsugutomo wrote:
> Bill Studenmund <> writes:
> > I did cvs rdiff -u -r 1.1.1 sys
> I think you shouldn't use 1.1.1 (default verndor branch tag). Most
> easy way is to specify the most recent release tag (i9709xx in your
> case) instead. The file you have deleted doesn't have that tag, so
> there is no deletion diff (diffs between nothing and nothing is
> nothing).
The problem is that the import scripts only import _changed_ files. So
there's a i970927 tag only on files created or changed in the 97/9/27 sup.
Unmodified (and deleted) files aren't touched in the import.
The idea (I think; I was given the scripts) is to not have EVERY file in
the repository grow by 100 bytes (or so) EVERY import. At 512 byte
fragments, that's a new fragment every week or so, for every file in the
repository. :-(
> > So I've got 1.2 as dead. How can I make a as dead (would that
> > work?)
> At least you can checkin revison with state `dead' by playing
> with RCS file directly. I don't know how to this in CVS manner.
That might be what I need to do. :-(
Take care,