Subject: tcpdump sheds some light on ipnat problem
To: Current Users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/04/1997 15:18:12
I just ran tcpdump while attempting to open an ftp connection, and the
results confirmed that ipnat simply isn't doing any address mapping.
Outbound packets from my Mac, which *ought* to be mapped to the current IP
address, instead start off like so: >

When doing the equivalent ftp directly from the NetBSD box, tcpdump shows
packets as coming from the correct address. (I tried with a telnet
connection as well, FWIW.)

Thanks in advance for ideas!

        Mason Loring Bliss    /\   /()\   awake ? sleep() : dream();
<barbaric>YAWP!</barbaric>  /    \  Squeak to me of love!