Subject: Re: NetBSD logo
To: maximum entropy <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/1997 08:43:34
On Sat, Nov 01, 1997 at 11:45:53PM -0500, maximum entropy wrote:
> I firmly believe that one of our strongest "marketing" points is that
> NetBSD is firmly rooted in the BSD tradition. Keeping the daemon logo
> makes it clear that NetBSD *is* BSD UNIX, not some flimsly UNIXish
> clone OS.
Well, it does for those who know BSD and the daemon logo from past. For
all those ppl who are installing linux on their machines and who have
never even heard of BSD before (ie. the masses, not the old UNIX specialists)
it doesn't tell anything. It just looks like something you do NOT want -
"a red devil inside my computer? No thanks, I prefer a smiling penguin".
I understand why the ppl on this list prefer the Original Daemon Logo.
I just don't think it's the best one for the Clueless who _might_ use
NetBSD instead of linux.
1503 kHz @ 21:30 EET DST Mon-Fri
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