Subject: Re: GusPnP...
To: Mike Long <>
From: Andrew K. Adams <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/18/1997 11:25:37
On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 15:29:55 EST, Mike Long writes:
>Gravis may have screwed up in one respect: PNPxxxx IDs are not
>supposed to be used to identify logical devices, they are meant to be
>used to indicate compatibility only.  Do you have the line
>joy* at isapnp?
>in your kernel config?  If so then Gravis did screw up, otherwise
>you'll have to add that line before we can be sure.

With "joy*    at isapnp?" enabled, dmesg reports:

isapnp0 at isa0 port 0x279: read port 0x203
guspnp0 at isapnp0 port 0x220/16,0x320/8,0x32c/4 irq 11 drq 5,7
guspnp0: error in region allocation
isapnp0: <UltraSound Plug & Play, PNP0600, , ATAPI CD-ROM> port 0x1e8/8,0x3ee/2 irq 11 not configured
isapnp0: <UltraSound Plug & Play, PNPB02F, , Game Port> port 0x201/1 not configured
isapnp0: <UltraSound Plug & Play, GRV0003, , SB Compatible A> port 0x388/2 irq 5 drq 1 not configured
isapnp0: <UltraSound Plug & Play, GRV0004, , MPU-401 GM Musi> port 0x330/2 not configured

So, I guess this means that Gravis screwed up...


Andrew K. Adams				Office:	409-D Mellon Institute
Network Engineer			Phone:	(412) 268-5142
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center	Fax:	(412) 268-5832
Carnegie Mellon University		Email:
Pittsburgh, PA 15213