Subject: Re: GCC problem
To: None <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/19/1997 12:36:28
On Thu, Dec 18, 1997 at 02:31:51PM -0800, David M. Stanhope DMS wrote:
> I just did a sup this morning which picked up these changes. I then did
> a 'make build' which completed fine. I then tried the test program:
> with 'g++ t.C' which failed, then I did another 'make build' which completed
> fine and then when I tried the test program it worked! So not sure why I
> had to do 'make build' twice [...]

Doing 'make build' twice worked because the first time around, it
created a libstdc++ which was still compiled with the old g++, still
lacking the "hex" iostream function. The second time around libstdc++
did get built with the new g++, so things were ok.

- Frank