Subject: FTP/SUP downtime 12/24
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William Coldwell <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/23/1997 23:26:00
We are moving the ftp/sup machine to a new home tomorrow and there will be  
some associated downtime while it gets rackmounted and the DNS changed.  The  
downtime should start at around 09:45-10:00am PST and last for an hour or two.   
It may take a little while for the DNS changes to take propagate to you, but  
we are hoping for a quick and as painless as possible transfer.

Cheers and Happy Holidays from the NetBSD team,
  William J. Coldwell             r               Warped Communications, Inc.
email:    a    a  p     e    ?  1601 Civic Center Drive  #200   I  m  W   e !  r  y u   Santa Clara, California 95050
 direct: 408.346.0105               d  A    o    408.248.WARP FAX:408.GET.WARP