Subject: Re: serial port control
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/13/1998 00:51:17
If you need to make any changes to get it to compile, and can get
them to take the changes back into their code I think we could put
them up on the commercial products page :)
Definition of the day:
'Momentarily': _For_ an moment... not _in_ a moment...
(It would be preferable if more of the world could grasp the above)
On 12 Feb 1998, Wolfgang Rupprecht wrote:
> > Off to see if I can find the Best Power docs...
> Best power even releases their Unix code on their website.
> The file advanced/source/checkups.c appears to be a fully functional
> unix serial-line daemon for their "fortresss" line. Hats off to Best
> Power. I'm ordering one now.
> And a big thanks to Greg Troxel for the hint to check out Best Power!
> -wolfgang