Subject: Lockups on 1.3D sparc & i386
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
List: current-users
Date: 02/26/1998 21:26:33
I've built new kernels from sources sup'ed on 2/24, for a SPARC and
an i386, both with and without UVM. Since compiling these kernels, I
have been experiencing rather regular lockups on both my SPARC and my
i386. Unfortunately I cannot give much information on this problem.
The boxes seem to lock while sitting completely idle, it does not seem
to be caused by a certain amount of load or memory usage or anything
like that. The SPARC locks up hard enough that even Stop-A (L1-A) does
not bring up the boot prompt. The PC stops responding to pings or such,
but typing on the keyboard un-blanks the pcvt console, though no text
appears on the screen, and the caps lock light and such don't function
(i.e. it's completely locked up, but it did unblank when I typed a key.
It did not reblank afterwards).
I'll try re-sup'ing and see if it fixes the problem. Just curious
if anybody else had similar problems, or if anybody had suggestions for
things to try to see what's going wrong.
Will Ferry
William O Ferry <woferry@CMU.EDU> | finger: woferry@Warp.RES.CMU.EDU | talk: finger for online status