Subject: Re: le0 dosen't work on SS10
To: None <>
From: Kazufumi-MIT-Mitani <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/15/1998 16:23:25
 SUNAGAWA Keiki <> wrote

> Kazufumi> le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
> Kazufumi> le0: card failed to initialize
> Kazufumi> ledma0: error: csr=a0460012<ERR,IEN>
> Kazufumi> stray interrupt ipl 0x6 pc=0xf008d730
> Kazufumi> npc=0xf008d734 psr=404000c6<S,PS>
> It seems that the interface is broken or there's some
> cable/terminate troubles.
> Kazufumi> and can't use le0.
> Kazufumi> source is suped Apr 15 morning(JST).
> Kazufumi> netbsd-1.3.1 kernel also didn't up on my box.
> Kazufumi> (I'm using Feb. 27 current kernel now)
> Did it work on formerly or under another OS?

Feb. 27 current kernel (and also 1.3) le0 works fine.
I use this ss10 to sup current without trouble.

I use UTP cabel conencted to dumb-hub(10baseT) and dumb-hub
covers all my machines without trouble (ss5,ultra2,pc,ews4800,
printer, and this ss10 box)

Kazufumi MITANI
Department of Information and Management Science
Faculty of Commerce, Otaru University of Commerce
3-5-21, Midori, Otaru-shi, Hokkaido, 047-8501 Japan
PHONE/FAX: +81-134-27-5392