Subject: Re: Need "people using NetBSD for real work" on web pages.
To: Ty Sarna <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/15/1998 20:38:45 (Ty Sarna) wrote:
> I was recently writing a small NetBSD sales pitch for someone, and I was
> trying to remember all examples I could think of where large
> organizations were using NetBSD for real, serious work. Like NASA using
> NetBSD/i386 on embedded systems for microgravity experiments on the
> space station, and for whatever they're using those large Alpha systems
> for. Demon Internet using NetBSD for their core routers. DEC using it
> for the DNARD OS. Avalon using it for whatever they're using it for on
> the A12. Etc.
> So I went to look at for more examples and to clarify
> details on some of these things and found nothing. This is *great* PR
> stuff. Why aren't we advertising it prominently?
because no one has collected it and put it all in one place... Is that your
hand I see waving in the air at the back there?