Subject: Re: Sendmail and licensing
To: Klaus Weber <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/29/1998 12:41:28
> Still, even if VMailer isn't the fastest MTA in every situation, it
> might still be a reasonable candidate for the "default"-MTA shipped
> with NetBSD (thanks to its more liberal licensing terms).

I think the criterion should be ``is this better than sendmail
8.8.8,'' not ``is this a decent SMTP MTA?'', because otherwise, what's
the point in changing?   Sendmail 8.8.8's licensing terms are
perfectly reasonable, so that's not a justification to change.   The
answer to ``is this a decent SMTP MTA?'' is yes for several SMTP MTA's
that I know of, but IMHO the answer to ``is this better than sendmail
8.8.8'' is much less clear-cut for all of those except the ones where
the answer is clearly ``no.''

> I certainly intend to take a good look at it once it is released.

I think that's wise.
