, Ted Lemon <mellon@hoffman.vix.com>
From: Don Lewis <Don.Lewis@tsc.tdk.com>
List: current-users
Date: 05/30/1998 22:16:21
On May 30, 9:03am, Jason Thorpe wrote:
} Subject: Re: Sendmail and licensing (fwd)
} On Fri, 29 May 1998 22:44:22 -0700
} Ted Lemon <mellon@hoffman.vix.com> wrote:
} > > if you reject the message based on the headers or the body, you'll
} > > incur the wrath of the list owner by bounce any spam to his mailbox.
} >
} > ...which will encourage him or her to take whatever steps are
} > necessary to limit the relaying of spam through the mailing list.
} > I'm not sure this is a downside.
} Actually, it increments the auto-unsub counter for the person in question,
} and eventually you get auto-unsub'd.
Well, that's one way of limiting the amount of spam sent through the
mailing list to that particular user ;-)
--- Truck