Subject: More on the gui install thing.
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/10/1998 09:37:23
After a little bit of thinking I would say that having a gui install is=20
just one step towards a unifying system interface=2E
As others have suggested maybe it would be better if instead of working on=20
a bastard install program, a suite of tools were developed that all used=20
shared code and had the effect of producing a system by which users,=20
printers, daemons, installations and package removals could be handled=20
under similar interfaces=2E
This is a goal of any system which is meant to be used interactivly by many=
people of varying skill levels=2E
This is a huge undertaking=2E
I like the idea of developing this stuff with a UI layer of abstraction=2E=20=
Have one library that is linked with either curses or gtk might be one=20
solution=2E Once such a UI library is developed people could sit down and=20
work on tools for user managment, daemon managment, firewall managment,=20
etc=2E with both a gui interface and a text based interface all from the sa=
I think this is the real goal here=2E Working towards developing a gui bas=
installer without such a UI layer in place would probably be a waste=2E
What are your thoughts on this?
Nick Maniscalco