Subject: Excite Tops Yahoo and Infoseek!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/17/1998 16:57:49
Excite Edges Out Yahoo, Infoseek in USA TODAY Poll
Excite came out the winner in a recent IntelliQuest survey that appeared
in the July 1 issue of USA TODAY. Participants were asked to rank
Excite, Yahoo and Infoseek in terms of entertainment, content, appeal
and ease of use. Results were as follows:
Excite: 89 percent
Yahoo: 87 percent
Infoseek: 84 percent
80 percent of all Web sessions begin at a major search engine. According
to Media Metrix Inc., Excite pulls 12.8 percent of the average monthly
minutes spent searching, second only to Yahoo! This includes 10 million
AOL users on AOL NetFind. If you're serious about generating thunderous
traffic (and profits) to your Web site, **Excite is a must.**
Top 10 Placement on Excite: Limited Time Offer
Excite has made some significant changes to their search criteria. We
have the inside scoop on the new algorythm, and can position your Web
site in the Top 10 on Excite under your most important keywords. We are
currently accepting a limited number of new clients on a first-come
basis. Rates start at $700 per month per listing. All placements are
covered by a 100% money back guarantee.
If Excite is a major focus of your search engine visibility--and it
should be--please act now. Please call 888-249-7130 for information