Subject: spell
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Segmentation Violation. Core dumped. <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/01/1998 10:59:01
I notice we don't have a "spell" program (not like we _need_ it, right? :-/)
If my analytical logic is correct, functionally it's nothing more than:
((cd /usr/share/dict; cat words web2); cat stop.list) > /tmp/scheck$$
fgrep -v -f /tmp/scheck$$ $file_list
Of course, I think fgrep is not up to the challenge, and that's only
a functional outline, anywho. Am I off too far?
It's a missing utility, one which I miss every so often just because
my memory is turning into a sieve and I'm missing some of those obscure
...did I mention something about a sieve?
Regression Test (re gresh' n test) n. 1. A simple show of hands among
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