Subject: Re: ypbind -broadcast/ypserv broken
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/15/1998 00:26:42
On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 09:10:26PM -0700, Bill Studenmund wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Aug 1998, Brian C. Grayson wrote:
> > All of the machines work if I specify the server in
> > /var/yp/binding/pdslab.ypservers (so I know the ACL works
> > overall). Is there some special flag that says, handle bcast
> > requests from any of the allowable hosts?
> Is there a particular reason you are using the broadcast option?
Because I forgot to create /var/yp/binding/pdslab.ypservers
when setting up a new machine :), so it did a broadcast on its
own. (If ypbind doesn't see a <domain>.ypservers file, it does
the same thing as if -broadcast was specified). And from the
man page for ypbind, I thought NetBSD would still Do The Right Thing.
So I guess from my point of view, if our ypserv does not
support the -broadcast option, this should be mentioned in the
ypserv man page, and also in the ypbind man page that with a
NetBSD server, /var/yp/binding/<domain>.ypservers is REQUIRED,
and not just an option, and that -broadcast is effectively the
same as --twiddle-thumbs-and-hang if the server is NetBSD :).
If ypserv really _does_ support handling broadcast requests
(Jason? Mats? Theo, if you are seeing this?), then I'd
appreciate some help on figuring out why it's broken for us.
If it doesn't, then I'll try to write up proposed changes to
the man pages, and send-pr it over the weekend.
"If I may be allowed a small analogy, Hammers are old & simple, and
there are frequently more efficient tools for the job, But I've
never met a carpenter who was ashamed to use one."
-Steve Kleiser