Subject: Re: resolv.conf changed recently?
To: None <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/17/1998 10:56:04
>>>>> "Jay" == Jay Maynard <> writes:

    Jay> On Mon, Aug 17, 1998 at 10:16:06AM -0400, wrote:
    >> This question come up enough that it might be worth having the code
    >> that interprets resolv.conf convert to for you (or
    >> complain, or both).

    Jay> How about having it complain, and also turn it into the real IP
    Jay> address of le0 (or whatever the first non-lo interface it
    Jay> encounters)? As someone else mentioned, this makes things behave
    Jay> better in the presence of DNS forwarding...

  I don't think I want -lresolv groveling the list of interfaces.
is okay, and I think the bug of DNS forwarding is long gone.

   :!mcr!:            |  Network and security consulting/contract programming
   Michael Richardson |         Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
 Personal: PGP key available.
	ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.