Subject: Re: OpenBSD
To: David Holland <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/21/1998 22:28:26
David Holland writes:
>  > Other than crypto distribution, what has OpenBSD acutally done that
>  > NetBSD hasn't?  I mean, it's not like no NetbSD developers follow
>  > BUGTRAQ, now is it?
> Well, that's not clear, because OpenBSD won't release their fixes,
> because then other systems would be able to catch up to them on
> security, or some kind of nonsense like that.
> Their usual answer is to read their cvs commits mailing list.

There is an OpenBSD web page listing security fixes, but so far as I
know we've done all the relevant ones listed.
