Subject: ascii dump for tcpdump (was Re: truss-like command for netbsd)
To: dustin sallings <>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/12/1998 10:48:22
> Actually, the command *I'd* like to see come out of Solaris is
>snoop. :) I've solved many a network problem with that thing. tcpdump
>is *almost* enough, just needs an ASCii output (or has one I haven't been
>able to find).
There are patches in the PR database that add hex/ascii dumping
to NetBSD's tcpdump. The were rejected on the basis that it would
make passwd sniffing too easy (ignoring the fact that there
are a zillion dedicated passwd sniffers that can be downloaded
from cracker sites :-)
I'm afraid I've not updatde the patches since then (about NetBSD-1.0?
or maybe 0.9 :-) but I'll have to now as I accidentally overwrote my
trusty old tcpdump binary when I upgraded to 1.3. Don't hold your breath