Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: None <,>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/02/1998 20:52:50
On Oct 29, 12:25pm, Christoph Badura wrote:
} Module Name: src
} Committed By: bad
} Date: Thu Oct 29 20:25:00 UTC 1998
} Modified Files:
} src/etc: Makefile rc.conf
} src/etc/mtree: special
} Added Files:
} src/etc: rc.shutdown
} Log Message:
} A basic /etc/rc.shutdown. Bails out if do_rcshutdown!=YES in /etc/rc.conf
} (default is YES). Kills xdm and waits for it to terminate if it was enabled
} in rc.conf (based on a code snippet from Ignatios).
The way shutdown is handled by SysV is one of my biggest peeves
with it. It is all too easy for a shutdown script to hang,
necessitating a hard reset of the system. If we're going to have this
feature, it should be setup so that there is a time limit on how long
rc.shutdown can run. If the time limit is exceeded, then shutdown
should continue anyways (do kill -15, sleep 30, do kill -9, ...).
}-- End of excerpt from Christoph Badura