Subject: Re: /usr/include/machine/byte_swap.h on m68k machines?
To: Thorsten Frueauf <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/29/1999 14:23:23
On Jan 29, Thorsten Frueauf wrote
> Hello!
> Today I wanted to start building current xsrc on a current NetBSD/amiga
> system (src from 24.1.1999), but it stoped quite early:
> cd ./config/imake && make -f Makefile.ini BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS=""
> making imake with BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS= in config/imake
> cc -o ccimake -O -I../../include -I../../imports/x11/include/X11 ccimake.c
> make: don't know how to make /usr/include/machine/byte_swap.h. Stop
> *** Error code 2
> I was able to workarround this by touching /usr/include/machine/byte_swap.h,
> but I would really like to know what the real fix is.
There is no byte_swap.h for amiga. Are you sure there isn't a stale
.depend somewhere ? From where does this dependance to byte_swap.h
comes ?
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.