Subject: Re: 1.4 and threads
To: Justin <>
From: Calvin Vette <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/01/1999 11:04:58
This is actually a question for tech-kern. The timetable for threads/SMP
isn't currently public.
You can see some movement in the source towards that, but I wouldn't bet
the farm on it just yet.

Which 8-32 processor motherboards have you seen? Any G4 or AltiVec
motherboards in that vein?

Justin wrote:

>  Quick question: 1.4 NetBSD will have a fully threadedkernel and libc
> structure? If this is true, then SMPsupport should not be far behind?
> I am interested inthese 8-32 processor G3 motherboards due to hitthe
> market soon.