Subject: Re: NetBSD Copyright
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/09/1999 14:24:17
On Mar 9, Martin Husemann wrote
> [...]
> So the only way to keep it simple is to require *without exceptions* all
> stuff to be assigned to TNF.

This may be a problem for funded projects. Not all people can put the licence
they want. 
Actually I think we should encourage peoples to contribute stuffs assigned to
TNF, but not require it.

> [...]
> A related, but completely different point: does anyone know if and how it's
> possible for a non-US author to assign copyright to TNF? I'm not a lawyer but
> I don't see anything like "copyright assignement" to a third party in german
> "copyright" law, only exception is work done under contract for an employer
> or client, where that contract explicitly states who's intellectual property
> the resulting work should be. Without such a contract (signed before the work
> is done) I think the intellectual property can not be transfered, only the
> right to use (and/or make money from it).
> Yet another point: how is it done by an US based author? Does he get some
> paperwork from TNF? Does he just put in their copyright notice, without TNF
> even knowing about it?

A www page about this would be good. Someone should also check how the TNF
copyrigth interracts with non-US countries's laws.

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 