Subject: Re: Changing root's shell to /bin/sh
To: Dean Huxley , Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Ask Dr. Stupid <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/15/1999 23:12:01
Dean Huxley sez:
 * It's nice to have toor when roots shell is dynamically linked and you've
 * just messed up /usr/lib... ;-)

Having something else besides /bin/sh or /bin/csh is, in general, a bad idea
for "root".  Last I looked /bin/csh was static, as is /bin/sh.  Every time
I thought about having /usr/local/bin/tcsh as a root shell, little alarm bells
went off in my head.  I just create an alternate root account for things like
that and I'm fine.  Other people choose to exec... as they see fit, which is
also fine.

I still think that look, guys, BSD has historically had /bin/csh as a
*login* shell, while having sh as a CONSOLE shell (which can now be
altered at single-user time if you so desire; typically I'm cocky enough
to compile that bit out (btw: Could we PLEASE put CFLAGS+= defs for things
on _separate_ lines so that if any are not desired it is easier to comment
one out of the middle?)).  It's been this way since the dawn of 4BSD, and
I really don't see much gain by changing it.  It's also one of the things
that made other systems seem REALLY backward.  If you MUST log in to the
console as root, you may as well be comfortable.  I'm speaking, admittedly,
as one of those who thinks csh is comfortable as a CLI (won't program in
it!), while sh is comfortable as a scripting language.  To those of you who
want to "just type in a shell script at the console", go ahead.  Just
remember to type "sh\n" first.

This is silly stuff, but if we're going to be silly, let us at least be
silly on the side of history.  As someone pointed out, if you REALLY want
to change it to /bin/sh (on your system, at install time or later), great,
go for it, and let's add something to the install mechanism which offers a
choice between the two.  I prefer to see this historic element continued.

Yes, I use csh (or a variant thereof).

Yes, I login as root on the console, ttyb or :0 on a not altogether
infrequent basis.

As far as 'toor' goes, that's usually the first thing I take care of
on a fresh install (by deleting it).  If I want another uid 0 root
login (in fact, I have several, all of which perform different functions),
I'll add it myself.  So no, I don't much care if 'toor' comes back.

Sun hardware is great stuff.  It's too bad their software has taken
such a downturn.