Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: dustin sallings <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/16/1999 20:06:24
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Jonathan Stone wrote:

// If we're talking IPv4, machines dont have IP addresses, interfaces
// do:).

	I know this, I was remembering it worse than it actually was.  
I'm still under the belief that IP addresses *only* belong in /etc/hosts
or DNS.

// Seriously, to a first approximation, what I'd do is ename
// /etc/netstart to /etc/rc.if, and /etc/netstart.local to
// /etc/rc.if.local. Much as SunOS 4 used rc.ip, but that's rather
// IP-centric.
// That seems straightforward and (i hope) non-controversial: netstart
// doesnt actually _start_ the network, in that it doens't start any
// services, it just brings up interfaces, sets a default route, and
// other goo.
// Just off the top of my head, I'd rename
// /etc/{myname,mygate,defaultdomain} so that the names reflect any
// IP-centricity.  defaultdomain is a YP-ism, and mygate is currently
// IP  only. So maybe:
// 		/etc/ip.hostname		# same as /etc/myname
// 		/etc/ip.defaultroute		# 
// 		/etc/nis.mydomain		# replaces /etc/domainname
// I'd be tempted to change ip.defaultroute to include the `default',
// rather than wiring it into the script, to support other protocols,
// but maybe separate files make more sense.

	How about putting that stuff in its own directory?  I don't like
tons of various types of configuration files in the same place myself, but
I use DHCP, so I don't really care here (as long it's not a big pain to
get DHCP working, it'd be still yet nicer if it could work out of the

Principal Member Technical Staff,    The world is watching America,
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