Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/17/1999 01:28:31
Jonathan Stone writes:
> Yes, that'd help with your situation. but one size doesn't fit all
> here.
True, but renaming "the files that aren't very good" doesn't sound like
a fix either. :)
> Umm, then perhaps that means you're not qualified to offer an opinion
> on when ``the network is up'' for machines which *do* start services?
Perhaps. I guess I am just a "not the network, network guy" who doesn't
know about the 7 layer model. (err Taco Bell?)
The OSI model defines seven layers:
Layer 7: Application Layer (tomato?)
Layer 6: Presentation Layer (cheese)
Layer 5: Session Layer (sour cream)
Layer 4: Transport Layer (guacamole)
Layer 3: Network Layer (rice)
Layer 2: Data Link Layer (beans)
Layer 1: Physical Layer (tortilla)
(Layer 0: Interconnection Media) (paper wrap)
> >services != network.
> Depends on whether you're a server. If you are, then from the client's
> perspective, you havent' ``started the network'' until you've started
> the services. Heck, your own example of conneccting to an FTP server
> shows that:
> ifconfig ex0 inet blah blah blah
> ifconfig lo0
> ftp x.x.x.x
> ftp: connect: Connection refused
> now, you tell me: is ``the network up'' on machine x.x.x.x, or not? :-/.
Yup, it's up. You just talked to the ip stack.
ifconfig ex0 inet blah blah blah
ifconfig lo0
ftp x.x.x.x
ftp: connect: Connection timed out
Bummer, networks down again.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.