Subject: Re: BSD == NIH
To:, Jonathan Stone <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/18/1999 21:02:20
On Mar 16, 11:14am, wrote:
} I'm not sure "the way BSD does them" is necessarily an important thing.
} After all, we have 'rc.conf', which isn't, historically, the way BSD does
Maybe not, but I like it. It fits in with the BSD way and is
nice to use. One of the things I really hate about SVR4 is that
configuration information is spread all over the system (not to
mention the wide differences in the various SVR4 implementation). I
wish more things would be put into rc.conf.
} I rather like root having the same shell I get in single user mode. I
This raises the question of whether the single user mode default
shell should be changed as opposed to changing root's shell.
}-- End of excerpt from