Subject: Re: /var/cron -> /etc/cron
To: None <>
From: Jaromir Dolecek <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/02/1999 15:39:09
Feico Dillema wrote:
> Your message dated: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 22:38:01 +1000
> >I'm much prefer if we could gradually move all commonly updated files
> >away from /etc (and the basic root filesys), so those who want it can
> >make /etc into a long term static filesys - read only, even on cdrom or
> >prom or similar (and yes, that means moving /etc/passwd as well, though
> >that will be a major upheval).
> Is there value in hte idea, to move user-modifiable (like users' crontabs)
> files into a /usr/etc directory?
No please. I guess /usr is mounted ro more often than root ....
Jaromir Dolecek <>
"The only way how to get rid temptation is to yield to it." -- Oscar Wilde