Subject: Re: /var/cron -> /etc/cron
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/15/1999 01:09:35
In message <>, Andrew Brown writes:
>>Anyway; I thought I'd inject yet another random thought into the mix.  Has
>>anyone ever suggested making symbolic links to environment variables?
>>Something to think about.

(Actually, yes, people have asked about this before, as well as symlinks
with interpolation by host type, etc etc etc)

>well...actually...i did at one point add bin to my path.  just bin,
>all by itself.  no slashes.  because then i could put commands in a
>subdir of somewhere i wanted to a specific thing (so they weren't
>providing extra visual clutter) and also not have . in my path.

Hmm.  That's actually fairly clever; if I could tell my shell "use this
path only if the directory named is only writable by me", sure...  ;-)
