Subject: None
To: current-users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tracy J. Di Marco White <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/19/1999 20:17:17
This most likely belongs on netbsd-advocacy, but I'm not sure how
many of the involved are on that list. I have set the reply-to on
this to netbsd-advocacy, though.
}Maybe we need to consider a bit of marketing ourselves and advertise
}ourselves as "Free-NetBSD" or "Open-NetBSD". "Multi-platform-FreeBSD"
}probably wouldn't set to well with our FreeBSD brothers, but it seems to
It might be interesting to go read Daemon News, particularly the column
"BSD News", if you haven't already.
The Usenix Association has provided a grant to the OpenBSD Project to
underwrite the expense of producing the CD-ROM release of OpenBSD 2.5.
Conference attendees will get a complimentary copy. Cynthia Deno,
speaking for Usenix, says this grant continues Usenix's 25 year
tradition of support for open source software, independent development
and open airing of issues unfettered by stodginess or commercial
interest. "Hey," she says, "we are the original free Unix group!"
Other groups are invited to submit grant proposals.
Something like that might be worthwhile to look into for us, to help
get the word out. I've never written a grant proposal, but I suppose
I could figure it out eventually, if we'd want to do something like that.
Also in that column:
Bob Bruce of Walnut Creek CDROM announced that Donald Wilde and Wilde
Media have been retained to act as a paid consultant to The FreeBSD
Project for the purposes of expanding its advocacy and paid public
relations efforts.
I don't know that TNF could afford a paid PR consultant, but certainly
devoting time to it on a volunteer basis, if we want to increase our
visibility would be a plus. Another possibility is to see if a PR
firm would be willing to donate time, but I have no idea how or where
to start on that.
Tracy J. Di Marco White
Project Vincent Systems Manager