Subject: Re: SMP
To: Laine Stump <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/27/1999 01:05:58
Laine Stump writes:
> At 05:42 PM 4/26/99 -0700, dustin sallings wrote:
> >... someone please make me an SMP NetBSD!:)
> (flame bait removed ;-)
> Maybe it's time to start an "SMP Envy Support Group" or "SMPaholics
> Anonymous" or something.
> Seriously, I've twice in the last two years recommended getting dual CPU
> motherboards (with the 2nd slot unpopulated) for NetBSD machines because
> "somebody is working on it" and have seen the CPUs on both sets of machines
> become obsolete. I'm sure whatever work is going on is worthwhile and good
> and all that, but *please* give us something to chew on! Let us know what's
> happening. Draw up a list of what needs to be done, delegate major sections
> to a few people, and let us sign up to help. Something. I hate to see old
> NetBSD cronies switch to other OSes for this reason. And I hate not having
> a valid excuse to buy myself a dual processor box (since I'll give up
> NetBSD when you cut it from a bitmap of my cold, dead hands ;-)
My P133 Dual <sniffle> mainboard is pretty obsolete <sniffle> by now.
Damn, bet wrong this time.
What would it take to at least initialize the MPS compliant bits and set
the second CPU to running the idle loop like on the sparc port? I really
like seeing my second cpu at least attached on my sparc!
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.