Subject: Re: notes from Apple's World Wide Developers' Conference, May 1999
To: Erik Fair <>
From: Brian D Chase <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/15/1999 01:47:21
On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Erik Fair wrote:
> [snip]
> If that were not enough, Apple promises that multiprocessor machines are
> coming back again soon (presumably the G4 processor has some explicit cache
> coherency protocol, because I doubt that Apple will give up on that
> separated "back-side" L2 cache). If the NetBSD project didn't have enough
> pressure to do MP or SMP support for the Intel and SPARC systems out there,
> there will be be additional pressure when the new MP PPC systems appear (of
> course, there are older MP PPC systems with the 604 and 604e processors
> that we can test on in the mean time).
Mostly unrelated to the rest of you message... but don't forget the
pressure from MP VAX systems.
VAX! VAX! Often mounted in large racks.
VAX! VAX! Set on a floor, they cause cracks.
VAX! VAX! Moving them yields heart attacks.
VAX! VAX! Mother of BSD and other hacks.
Brian "JARAI" Chase | | VAXZilla LIVES!!!