Subject: Re: SETI@home clients being built
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/20/1999 06:40:51
In <> wrote:
> > Yes, I'm spearheading the building of clients for the NetBSD architectures,
> > and will have then distributed back to them as soon as they finish getting
> > the proxy bug out of the 1.1 client. The clients take a while to validate
> > as they need a complete data set to run through, this takes a pretty long
> > time on our slower archs.
> was the 68k client optimized for 030, 040, 060?
setiathome-1.2.m68k-hp-netbsd1.3.3 is working on my sun3/80 (030)
so it does not contain 040/060 instructions.
But please leave 020/030 version anyway. m68k rc5-64 client
does not run on my 3/80. It dumps core with "illegal instruction".
BTW, the m68k seti@home client seems to have some problem.
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.277278, FFT length 131072
2.447172% done
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.279126, FFT length 131072
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.280975, FFT length 131072
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.280975, FFT length 65536
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.282823, FFT length 131072
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.284672, FFT length 131072
2.498474% done
Doppler shifting data by 0.001849 Hz/s
Starting work for Doppler shift rate 0.286521, FFT length 131072
100% done
Done with work unit.
Sending result - connecting to server.
All data sent.
It took about *only* 30 hours, but what happened between ~2.5% and 100% ?
Is this normal behavior? I guess it should take ~1500 hours...
Izumi Tsutsui