Subject: Re: wi driver issues [was Re: driver for Lucent WaveLan/IEEE 802.11 committed]
To: Johan Danielsson <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/20/1999 07:17:17
On Tue, Jul 20, 1999 at 10:46:40AM +0200, Johan Danielsson wrote:
> Jeff Rizzo <> writes:
> > 2. Suspend mode on the laptop doesn't seem to work correctly once wi0
> > is probed; calling apm suspend seems to put it in Standby mode
> > instead. (Which, incidentally, seems to be broken on this machine;
> > it may or may not be related to PR 6279 ... I've put the patch in,
> > which seems to clear up the suspend problem, but...) It's calling
> > apm_suspend, because /etc/apm/suspend gets called, but the mode
> > behaves more like standby...
> This is not really related to 6279. The IBM laptop people thinks that
> you shouldn't suspend your computer if there is power applied to any
> of the pcmcia sockets. The reason for this is that the operating
> system might not be able to restore the state of the pcmcia device. I
> guess this means that w98 doesn't.
> In my apm/suspend I ifconfig down all interfaces, and then up then in
> after resume.
> /Johan
This makes sense, except for the fact that my /etc/apm/suspend *does*
ifconfig all interfaces down.
Anyway, it works as expected when A/C power is not attached.
Jeff Rizzo