Subject: Re: MII interfaces
To: Dave Sainty <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/25/1999 10:57:53
On Sat, Oct 23, 1999 at 07:01:26PM +1300, Dave Sainty wrote:
> "Soren S. Jorvang" writes:
> > There should be a tqphy, and there was some time ago. I looked
> > briefly and played a bit with earlier versions of ex_cardbus, and
> > I think the last round of MII register access changes to elinkxl.c
> > caused this change, but that's not much more than a guess..
> It seems like all the MII I/O functions for cards roll their own
> serial IO implementations. Perhaps the guts of this work should be
> moved into the MII routines, and the card specific code could be
> simplified to single-bit operations...
Not easy, because all chips have their own specificities. I seem to remember
some of them even implements the serial IO in hardware ...
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.